From desktop to mobile version

Trello app - 2023

Tools used



6 periods



The aim of this project was to select an existing application and adapt its desktop interface to make it compatible with mobile devices. After hearing about the Trello application, a task and project management platform, I decided to choose it as the subject of my project. Although I'd heard of the application, I'd never had the opportunity to try it out before.
This project was therefore an ideal opportunity to explore the desktop version of Trello, discover its features, and create a mobile version without first examining the existing interface.

Project steps

1. Desktop version analysis

Take screenshots of the desktop version and analyze the app

2. Interface dissection

Isolate the different parts of the interface that will be used later

3. Create a mobile version

Once the elements have been isolated, create a mobile interface

Analysis and dissection

The analysis of the desktop version of the Trello application, carried out through screenshots, played a crucial role in the design process for the mobile version. These screenshots served as a starting point, allowing me to explore in detail the layout, functionality and aesthetics of the existing interface. They gave me an in-depth understanding of Trello's structure on large screens, highlighting the layout of tables, cards, lists and related functionality.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

Dissecting each component of the interface gave me a detailed understanding of the different functionalities and their placement on the screen. This was particularly useful in identifying key elements and determining their importance in the mobile version.

For this part of the project, I chose to use the html to Figma plugin, which was a great help in reusing elements rather than recreating them. I then created a mini design kit from the isolated components I used to design the mobile version. However, I had to recreate a few elements that the plugin failed to recognize.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

Design of mobile version

During the design process for the mobile interface, I took the decision to eliminate certain elements that I considered non-essential for an optimal user experience on mobile devices. These included buttons and plugin functionality that, while relevant on the desktop version, might be deemed superfluous or less suited to the limited space of mobile screens.

Image 1


One of the main challenges was to manage the limited space on mobile screens while providing a complete and intuitive overview of project organization information.

difference mobile desktop

Striking the right balance between providing the necessary functionality and keeping the interface simple was a challenge. Information overload had to be avoided, while providing quick access to essential elements.

difference mobile desktop

Figma model


The intention was to create an original mobile adaptation based on my own ideas and interpretations of the application, without being influenced by its existing version. This approach enabled me to make an interesting comparison between the two versions once the project was completed, highlighting the design choices made and any improvements made to the user experience.

This project enabled me to...